
OUR HISTORY - Est. 1957

When a new community is envisaged and planned, a school is usually considered as an amenity which should be added soon after initial growth has occurred.  With Sweet Valley this process was reversed.  It is probably one of the first schools in the country to be built ahead of the housing and other development in a residential area.  A site, which was part of Sweet Valley Farm, was chosen and building commenced in 1956.  On Monday 21 January 1957 the first 24 learners were enrolled with Mr W J van Heerden as the first Principal assisted by two educators.  The school began with seven classrooms and a handcraft room.

Extensions were added in 1965, 1975, 1994 and 2008.  Today there are 30 classrooms, an art room and technology room, four music rooms, a science laboratory, a library, a computer centre, remedial rooms, an aftercare centre, a staff room, an interview room, changing rooms, a tuck shop, a hall and an indoor heated swimming pool.

In 1987 the first Pre-Primary learners were enrolled.  At present 50 learners are accommodated in this facility.  The After School Care Centre, founded in 1988, provides care for up to 100 learners every afternoon.  Today the school has an enrolment of over 900 learners, a teaching staff of 48 and 15 support staff.  Political transformation allowed the school to open its doors to all children in 1992 and today Sweet Valley is able to provide an education for all children living in the area.