
Children must adhere to school rules and After-School Care Centre rules at all times.

Aftercare 1


The After-School Care Centre only operates during school terms.

The Centre is open from 12h45 to 17h30 on school days (excluding the last day of term).


Children must bring a change of clothing as they will not be allowed to play outside in their uniforms. All clothing must be clearly marked.

Homework for a Full Day Grade 1 - Grade 7 will be encouraged and supervised, but the onus still remains on the parents to see that all homework is completed.

As a safety precaution, children attending after-care are required to remain within set boundaries at all times. Children will be clearly informed as to where these boundaries are.


  • Half-day children must be fetched by 14:30 - an additional fee of R20-00 will be charged for late pick-ups. Please note only 1 late day per week is permissible. 
  • Full-day children must be fetched by 17:30 - an additional fee of R50-00 will be charged for late pick-ups. Any child collected after 18:00 will have to be fetched at the home address of one of the supervisors. Children may, however, be fetched any time during the afternoon.
  • When collecting your child, please allow him/her a few minutes to pack away whatever he/she is busy with. Please ensure that your child says goodbye to both supervisors.
  • Should anyone other than the parent or guardian be fetching your child, please notify the supervisors by note, telephone or sms. Please note that if no such notification has been received, the child concerned will not be released from our care.
  • If your child will not be attending the Centre for any particular reason, e.g. dentist appointment, going to play with a friend, etc. please notify the supervisors. The supervisors will not be held responsible for any child who fails to report to After-Care.
  • A snack of sandwiches and cooldrink and an occasional treat will be provided. Children may bring extra food or fruit if required.


See separate school fees list.

Fees are payable strictly in advance. NO credit will be given for days not attended. One term's notice in writing is required by children leaving the Centre.

A child will not be accepted in After-Care if attendance fees have not been paid as per above or other prior arrangements have been made. The After-School Care Centre supervisor will receive instructions to this effect from the office