Enrichment and Support
At Sweet Valley Primary we have a team of committed professionals who work together with Class Teachers to support pupils in the mainstream.
Our Remedial Teachers offer tuition to groups of pupils with specific needs in Literacy and Numeracy. A Speech and Language Therapist and an Occupational Therapist offer group and individual support particularly to pupils in the Foundation Phase.
Our Enrichment Teacher offers small group and whole class extension. Her focus is on developing critical, strategic and creative thinking. She also assists class teachers to plan activities in the class room as part of our Thinking Schools Programme.
Our part-time Counselor and Lifeskills Facilitator offer emotional and social skills support to pupils. When the need arises, a Social Worker consults and advises parents and teachers.
Class Teachers are able to meet with the school-based Support Team. This multidisciplinary team meets weekly to discuss pupils' needs. Recommendations are made facilitating referrals either to Enrichment personnel or Private Practitioners. In order to access this forum, parents may discuss concerns with the pupil's Class Teacher.
Our vision is to enable pupils to reach their full potential while enjoying their learning experiences.